📢 Pivot Airlines is growing to support a bright future!

Canada's boutique airline is thrilled to welcome Katherine Ayre as Pivot Airlines’ Chief Legal Officer (CLO). Under the CLO umbrella, Katherine will incorporate Compliance (CCO) and Chief of Staff (CoS) duties, helping Pivot navigate its sustainable and modern growth!

In her roles, Katherine supports the CEO and senior executives, ensuring smooth operations and strategic alignment. She oversees all legal aspects of Pivot Airlines, its subsidiaries, and its parent company. With her distinguished history as a leading regulation and litigation specialist in Canadian aviation and law, Katherine is well-equipped to handle complex domestic and international challenges and high-stakes relationships required for forging new ground representing Canada's first Advanced Air Mobility airline.

Katherine brings extensive experience in flying, risk assessment and law, ensuring our continued operation at the highest standards for the communities we serve. Her dedication helps our exceptional team uphold our rich tradition of mentorship, collaboration, and high performance.
Katherine is a dedicated entrepreneur and is continuing her efforts with Pivot, alongside CAYRES, the agency she founded for community integration of Advanced Air Mobility and carbon neutral flying. The CAYRES’ mission work aligns closely with Pivot’s collaboration with Smart Green Aviation Group and our indigenous partners and nations. As a Canadian enterprise, Pivot and Smart Green Aviation Group Inc. are playing key roles in the equitable deployment of aircraft and infrastructure, including new technology, under the Connect Airlines brand.

Join us in welcoming Katherine Ayre to the Pivot Airlines family! Together, we will continue to soar to new heights.

Welcome aboard, Katherine!

La compagnie aérienne boutique canadienne est ravie d'accueillir Katherine Ayre en tant que Directrice Juridique (CLO) de Pivot Airlines. Sous l'égide de la CLO, Katherine incorporera les fonctions de Responsable de la Conformité (CCO) et de Chef de Cabinet (CoS), aidant Pivot à naviguer sa croissance durable et moderne!

Dans ses rôles, Katherine soutient le PDG et les cadres supérieurs en assurant des opérations sans heurts et un alignement stratégique. Elle supervise tous les aspects juridiques de Pivot Airlines, de ses filiales et de sa société mère. Avec son histoire distinguée en tant que spécialiste de premier plan de la réglementation et des litiges dans le domaine de l'aviation et du droit canadien, Katherine est bien équipée pour gérer les défis domestiques et internationaux complexes et les relations à fort enjeu qui sont nécessaires pour ouvrir de nouvelles voies en représentant la première compagnie de mobilité aérienne avancée du Canada.

Katherine apporte une vaste expérience en évaluation des risques de vol et en droit, garantissant notre fonctionnement continu aux plus hauts standards pour les communautés que nous servons. Son dévouement aide notre équipe exceptionnelle à maintenir notre riche tradition de mentorat, de collaboration et de haute performance.

Katherine est une entrepreneure dévouée et poursuit ses efforts avec Pivot aux côtés de CAYRES, l'agence qu'elle a fondée pour l'intégration communautaire de la Mobilité Aérienne Avancée et du vol neutre en carbone. Le travail de mission de CAYRES s'aligne étroitement avec la collaboration de Pivot avec Smart Green Aviation Group et nos partenaires et nations autochtones. En tant qu'entreprise canadienne, Pivot et Smart Green Aviation Group Inc. jouent des rôles clés dans le déploiement équitable des aéronefs et des infrastructures, y compris les nouvelles technologies sous la marque Connect Airlines.


Rejoignez-nous pour accueillir Katherine Ayre dans la famille Pivot Airlines! Ensemble, nous continuerons Ă  atteindre de nouveaux sommets.


Bienvenue Ă  bord Katherine!

📢 Pivot Airlines s’aggrandit pour soutenir un avenir prometteur!

Canada's boutique airline is thrilled to welcome Katherine Ayre as Pivot Airlines’ Chief Legal Officer (CLO). Under the CLO umbrella, Katherine will incorporate Compliance (CCO) and Chief of Staff (CoS) duties, helping Pivot navigate its sustainable and modern growth!

In her roles, Katherine supports the CEO and senior executives, ensuring smooth operations and strategic alignment. She oversees all legal aspects of Pivot Airlines, its subsidiaries, and its parent company. With her distinguished history as a leading regulation and litigation specialist in Canadian aviation and law, Katherine is well-equipped to handle complex domestic and international challenges and high-stakes relationships required for forging new ground representing Canada's first Advanced Air Mobility airline.

Katherine brings extensive experience in flying, risk assessment and law, ensuring our continued operation at the highest standards for the communities we serve. Her dedication helps our exceptional team uphold our rich tradition of mentorship, collaboration, and high performance.
Katherine is a dedicated entrepreneur and is continuing her efforts with Pivot, alongside CAYRES, the agency she founded for community integration of Advanced Air Mobility and carbon neutral flying. The CAYRES’ mission work aligns closely with Pivot’s collaboration with Smart Green Aviation Group and our indigenous partners and nations. As a Canadian enterprise, Pivot and Smart Green Aviation Group Inc. are playing key roles in the equitable deployment of aircraft and infrastructure, including new technology, under the Connect Airlines brand.

Join us in welcoming Katherine Ayre to the Pivot Airlines family! Together, we will continue to soar to new heights.

Welcome aboard, Katherine!


📢 Exciting News at Pivot Airlines!!


Pivot Holding Company Canada Inc. announces the acquisition of Pivot Airlines